Refreshing Homes, Connecting Hearts – Celebrating SG60

Celebrate Singapore's 60th birthday by joining Blossom World Society's BHR600 initiative! This youth-led movement will transform the lives of 600 seniors and underprivileged families by cleaning, painting, and decluttering their homes. This embodies the spirit of kindness and collective action, creating a more caring and united Singapore.

Join us in making a tangible difference and fostering compassion in our community. Support BHR600 through volunteering, donating, or fundraising. Learn more and get involved below.

Join us!


Roll up your sleeves and join our volunteer teams! Sign up here.

We need volunteers for cleaning, painting, and decluttering.  We also warmly welcome CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) volunteer groups to partner with us and make a collective impact. Contact us at to discuss group volunteering opportunities.


Your contribution will directly impact the lives of seniors and families in need. $477 can provide cleaning supplies for one home. Donate online or through our campaign. Every dollar counts!

Fundraise For Us

Become a champion for BHR600 by creating your own fundraising campaign on! Rally your friends, family, and colleagues to support our cause. Click to start your campaign.