A Drop Of Kindness, A Magnitude Of Gratitude
Blossom World Fundraising 2021 - A Drop Of Kindness, A Magnitude Of Gratitude has finally come to an end! Our first virtual live event was bittersweet indeed. With our crew struggling to move the programme online and offline and back online again due to the Heightened Alert Safe Management Measures. Nonetheless, we hope that you had a pleasant time during the event and perhaps gained deeper insights into what our organisation does.
Some highlights include revealing the impact of Project Belanja, which catered food to migrant workers during Circuit Breaker. It has benefited more than 8,000 migrant workers and low-income families. Not forgetting our flagship event, Blossom Home Refresh that aims to empower youths through refreshing the households of our pioneer generation. Even during this pandemic, we have managed to improve the living condition of 8 seniors with the help of 14 volunteers.
Furthermore, our long-awaited panel discussion with our existing volunteers, with the help of our moderator, Dr William Wan. If you want to know why they volunteer and how volunteering at Blossom World was a unique and amazing experience for them, do watch the LIVE video which is available on our Facebook page.
No time to watch? Here is a snippet of what was discussed:
“Why did you volunteer in Blossom World and what’s the most memorable event that you will not forget?”
“Initially, I started as an unwilling participant because I was forced to join Blossom World’s Annual children camp by my parents. I thought the camp was so boring because it was so cringey (sic) but as I grow older, I realise that showing love is cringey (sic), for example most of us know that we won’t say “I love you” to our parents because it’s cringey (sic). That’s why after continuously participating in Blossom World’s events/camps, it inspired me to be a better person with the values they have instilled in me. One occasion where I received feedback from a participant’s parent in the children camp that I was leading, they told us that their children started to do some house chores and appreciated their parents even more after attending the camp, this warmed my heart and became the most memorable moment for me.”
“The first event I joined with Blossom World was not my choice but to help out my family members, who volunteered for Blossom World Society Flag Day fundraising. I didn’t have many thoughts on this event except to help a family member. After the event, I was invited to join Blossom World in their IronWill Youth Camp back in 2017, which was a youth camp that aims to instil moral values and leadership in us. This led me to become more interested in Blossom World Society’s event due to the friendships I have forged during the camp, from where I made some lifelong friends. Furthermore, the values I learnt during the camp was very applicable in real life, thus this inspired me to continue volunteering for Blossom World Society.”
Our moderator Dr William Wan concluded with
“I think I’m inspired and I’m sure you are too, I don’t have to summarise what they have said, they have said it with so much passion. And just looking at them, all the smiles, so authentic, so genuine, so full of joy. So really I would like more young people in Singapore or even in the world, to imitate you, to be like you, because if we have more people like you, we will have a better society, a more gracious society, a kinder society. A society we would be very proud of.”
We ended the event with an introduction to our newest initiative, our Blossom C.A.R.E Pack, in hopes that this can engage seniors and youths of all races and religions in Singapore. Caring especially for the seniors who are living alone and unable to stay connected with society and their families through digital means. We hope the contents and activities in our Blossom C.A.R.E Pack can promote active ageing while being under the care of our organisation.
We would like to thank Ms Sim Ann and Dr William Wan for taking their time to grace our fundraising event, and to our donors and audiences for supporting the live event and our organisation. Thank you for your time. To those who missed out on the event, do not fret, you will still be able to catch the live video recording on our Facebook (BlossomWorldsg).
We hope that you will continue to support Blossom World Society on our journey to provide a vibrant volunteering society and community dedicated to promoting the understanding of different cultures and instilling a sense of graciousness in the younger generation.
Comments from our viewers that day:
“After watching the live event, I thank my mother for demonstrating volunteerism to me and introducing volunteerism to my siblings and me.”
“After the sharing of the Live Panel Discussion, I actually (sic) went to learn how to video edit and use photoshop and illustrator because I want to volunteer.”