Engagement @ Regent Secondary School
A fruitful engagement session was successfully completed at Regent secondary school which compromises of an exhibition and a sharing session during assembly which took place on 17th April 2019.
Our youth leader, Yuling, from Blossom World Society encouraging students who visited the exhibition booth to attempt the poster quiz to challenge themselves of their recently acquired knowledge of single-use plastics and its detrimental effects from the poster exhibition.
We really want to thank students who were willing to spend portions of their short recesses to educate themselves on this issue and hope that this enthusiasm in these students to learn more about environmental issues will reap benefits in the future.
The sharing session was conducted by our youth leader, Ni Qing, during the students’ assembly. This talk was helpful in enforcing the information available at the poster exhibition. The talk was able to create awareness to the Secondary 1 to 3 cohort of the school about how our daily habits for the sake of convenience are resulting in the suffering of other marine lives.
Environmental pollution is one of the key problems faced in our modern world. Since single-use plastics cannot be recycled it is necessary for the growing future population to be well educated on the effects of its usage on the ecosystem. Saving the environment is not just an issue that affects other habitants but if the delicate ecosystem were to be disrupted it would in turn affect humans one way or another. It is estimated that up 60 % of the human population has ingested micro plastics therefore reduction of single-use plastics needs to be of top priority.
Students who realised the deleterious effects of environmental pollution after the convincing talk decided to sign for a coastal clean-up organised by us to play their part in helping to save the environment. The fruits of the engagement session have begun to reap!
Reflection from intern
I feel contented to be given the opportunity to create awareness amongst students about the importance of reduction of single-use plastics usage. I really enjoyed the engagement session where the students interacted with us and through small conversations we were able to clarify some of their doubts on single-use plastics. It was heart-warming to see that some students were already practicing environmentally friendly habits and were encouraging their friends to follow suit. It was a purposeful visit at Regent secondary school, where I was able support the school’s environmental friendly initiatives. After this engagement session, I am ever more motivated to participate in more engagement sessions in more schools.
- Lisha